TOWN FESTIVAL Writers afternoon: JANE SAVIDGE in conversation wtih JOHN ROBB

Saturday 12th October 2024


As part of Town Festival, an afternoon of conversations curated by The Book Corner.
Tickets £7 full/members £5. Buy from the bar & See Tickets from 22nd April.
This Is Hardcore is Pulls cry for help. A giant, sprawling, flawed masterpiece of a record, the 1998 album manages to tackle some of the most inappropriate grown-up issues of the day – fame, ageing, mortality, drugs, and pornography – and still come out crying and laughing on the other side. Jane Savidges book is playful and sometimes very funny indeed. She assesses the cultural and historical context of the album with insider knowledge and a sharp modern lens, ultimately making a case for it as one of the most important albums of the 1990s.
As co-founder and co-head of legendary PR company Savage & Best, Jane Savidge is widely credited as being one of the main instigators of the Britpop movement that swept the UK in the mid-1990s. During this time, Savage & Best represented Suede, Pulp, The Verve, Elastica and Longpigs, whilst representing many other artists of the era including the
Cranberries, The Fall and Jesus and Mary Chain. She is the author of Lunch With The Wild Frontiers (2019) and Here They Come With Their Make Up On: Suede, Coming Up and More Adventures Beyond The Wild Frontiers (2022). Jane Savidge’s third book, Pulps This Is Hardcore was published by Bloomsbury as part of their 33 1/3 series on March 7, 2024.
John Robb is a journalist, TV and radio presenter, author, mentor,
Musician (The Membranes), best-selling pop culture author (Stone Roses, Punk Rock – An Oral History and The Art of Darkness – the History of Goth), public speaker, head of Louder Than Words – the UK’s biggest music and books festival, head of about-to-be-launched big scheme for training young people in green and eco jobs – the Green Britain Academy.